Kevin Gilmore
Balancing Act
Sonic Sound Sculpture
Rock, frame, wire, bricks, plastic shovel, princess change purse, toy magnets, beanie boo, bracelet, Ebow, guitar tuner, piezo mic, amplifier, condenser mic
September 28, 2017
This temporary sonic sound sculpture exists within a natural environment and including elements such as the rock, the sounds of crickets, frogs, and a diesel truck driving by. The initial element of this piece was the constructed frame with a wire stretched across the length while various children's toys were used to build up the sculpture that sits precariously atop the boulder. The magnets attached to the wire created a pendulum with sustained momentum created by a crate of magnets underneath. The sculpture was built in the front of my home while my children were at school. A parameter I set for myself was to complete this experiment from start to finish during one school day. Creativity is a balance, particularly while raising children. This piece was inspired in part by Alvin Lucier's "Music On a Long Thin Wire." (1977)